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kokeile toimiiko: :root { --ch-green: #4fd12e; --ch-blue: #61b6ea; }
root: { --quote-greentext-color: #4fd12e; --quote-bluetext-color: #61b6ea; } Ton aiemmin laittamani koodin voit poistaa. Laita muuten tää root osio koodisi alkuun, ihan vain koska niin kuuluu tehdä.. jämpti.

1 y

No nyt toimii :D jos viel sais sellasen et sais tän teksti/viestikentän leveemmäks kun vastaa viesteihin.
Ei ku jaa, sulla on vissiin oletus leveys. Ota tästä kaikki koodini ja poistele mistä et tykkää; :root { /* Set width to 100% and restore old font size */ --body-max-width: 100%; --font-size: 14px; /* Restore old accent colors */ --tag-op-bg-color: #117743; --tag-op-color: #ffffff; --post-username-color: #17a45c; --quote-greentext-color: #4fd12e; --quote-bluetext-color: #61b6ea; --ch-green: #117743; --post-own-border-color: var(--own-content-highlight-color) } .thread.own { border-top: none; } /* Restore old accent colors */ .thread-replies .post.op { border-left: 4px solid #117743; } /* Delete unneeded tags and gold posters visual effects */ .post-tags *:not(.op, .admin, .verified-checkmark) { display: none; } { border-left: none !important; }.post.own { border-left: 4px solid var(--post-own-border-color) !important; } .post-file.full { margin: 4px; } /* Delete level stuff */ progress, .level, .user-level { display: none !important; }#sidebar .user-info { margin: 8px 0 0px 0; } /* Make spoiler open on hover */ .spoiler { max-height: max-content !important; }.spoiler:hover { background: var(--post-highlighted-block-bg-color); color: inherit; } /* Mobile only */ @media (max-width: 400px) { /* Make thumbnails smaller */ .post-file:not(.full) { width: 120px; aspect-ratio: auto; }.post-file:not(.full) img { width: auto; height: auto; max-width: 120px; max-height: 200px; } } /* PC only */ @media (min-width: 401px) { /* Make reply box size normal */ /* .post-form { max-width: 600px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto } */ } /* Fix timestamps */ [data-timestamp] { font-size: 0px; cursor: text !important; user-select: auto !important; }[data-timestamp]::before { font-size: 0.8rem; content: attr(title) !important; } /* Make thumbnail background black */ .post-file { background-color: black; }.post-file * .bg, .post-file .bg { display: none; } /* Delete all hide buttons */ [data-action="Thread.hide"], [data-action="Post.hide"], [data-action="Post.hideUser"], [data-action="Thread.hideUser"] { display: none !important; } /*Delete action button hamburger from catalog*/ /* .thread-buttons { display: none !important; }*/ /* Delete unneeded buttons in open thread */ .post-button.icon-reply, [data-action="Post.deleteFile"], [data-action="Thread.share"], [data-action="Post.copyToClipboard"], [data-action="Post.donateGold"], [data-action="Post.upvote"], [data-action="Post.downvote"] { display: none !important; } /* Fix upboat button */ .post-upvotes:before { content: "+"; }.vote-buttons .icon-pointer-upright { display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse; } /* Make meme arrows colored in catalog */ .message .quote { color: var(--quote-greentext-color); }.message { color: var(--quote-bluetext-color); } /* Delete up and down votes from catalog and fix time location */ .thread-meta .upvote, .thread-meta .downvote { display: none; } .thread-meta .time { padding-right: 8px; padding-left: 8px; } .thread-meta { width: 100%; display: block ruby; } /* Make text go around image */ .post-file { float: left; }.post { display: flow-root; }.post-message { overflow: clip; display: block; } /* Fix notifications */ .notifications .notification.unread { background-color: var(--dropdown-bg-color); }.notifications .notification.unread .notification-title { font-weight: 100; } /* Limit video and image sizes */ .post .file:not(.preview) img { width: auto; height: auto; max-width: 800px; }figure[data-media-type="video"]:not(.preview) { width: fit-content; max-width: 800px; }

1 y 5 mo

vanha kellonajan näyttötyyli ei enää toimi
Puhelimella ei pysty helposti kopsaamaan vain tiettyä osaa tuosta pienestä teksti boksista. :root { /* Set width to 100% and restore old font size */ --body-max-width: 100%; --font-size: 14px; /* Restore old accent colors */ --tag-op-bg-color: #117743; --tag-op-color: #ffffff; --post-username-color: #17a45c; --quote-greentext-color: #4fd12e; --quote-bluetext-color: #61b6ea; --ch-green: #117743; } /* Restore old accent colors */ .thread-replies .post.op { border-left: 4px solid #117743; } /* Delete unneeded tags and gold posters visual effects */ .post-tags *:not(.op, .admin, .verified-checkmark) { display: none; } { border-left: none !important; }.post.own { border-left: 4px solid var(--post-own-border-color) !important; } .post-file.full { margin: 4px; } /* Delete level stuff */ progress, .level, .user-level { display: none !important; }#sidebar .user-info { margin: 8px 0 0px 0; } /* Make spoiler open on hover */ .spoiler { max-height: max-content !important; }.spoiler:hover { background: var(--post-highlighted-block-bg-color); color: inherit; } /* Mobile only */ @media (max-width: 400px) { /* Make thumbnails smaller */ .post-file:not(.full) { width: 120px; aspect-ratio: auto; }.post-file:not(.full) img { width: auto; height: auto; max-width: 120px; max-height: 200px; } } /* PC only */ @media (min-width: 401px) { /* Make reply box size normal */ .post-form { max-width: 600px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto } } /* Fix timestamps */ [data-timestamp] { font-size: 0px; cursor: text !important; user-select: auto !important; }[data-timestamp]::before { font-size: 0.8rem; content: attr(title) !important; } /* Make thumbnail background black */ .post-file { background-color: black; }.post-file * .bg, .post-file .bg { display: none; } /* Limit video and sizes */ .full-img { width: auto; height: auto; } .post-file.playing.full, .post-file.full { width: fit-content; max-width: 800px; } /* Delete all hide buttons */ [data-action="Thread.hide"], [data-action="Post.hide"], [data-action="Post.hideUser"], [data-action="Thread.hideUser"] { display: none !important; } /*Delete action button hamburger from catalog*/ /* .thread-buttons { display: none !important; }*/ /* Delete unneeded buttons in open thread */ .post-button.icon-reply, [data-action="Post.deleteFile"], [data-action="Thread.share"], [data-action="Post.copyToClipboard"], [data-action="Post.donateGold"], [data-action="Post.upvote"], [data-action="Post.downvote"] { display: none !important; } /* Fix upboat button */ .post-upvotes:before { content: "+"; }.vote-buttons .icon-pointer-upright { display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse; } /* Make meme arrows colored in catalog */ .message .quote { color: var(--quote-greentext-color); }.message { color: var(--quote-bluetext-color); } /* Delete up and down votes from catalog and fix time location */ .thread-meta .upvote, .thread-meta .downvote { display: none; } .thread-meta .time { padding-right: 8px; padding-left: 8px; } .thread-meta { width: 100%; display: block ruby; } /* Make text go around image */ .post-file { float: left; }.post { display: flow-root; }.post-message { overflow: clip; display: block; } /* Fix notifications */ .notifications .notification.unread { background-color: var(--dropdown-bg-color); }.notifications .notification.unread .notification-title { font-weight: 100; }
Remove ads with Gold »